What happens when we mobilise a joint?
It’s miserable when your joints ache. It’s worse when they’re stiff and everyday movement hurts. Often, gentle exercise has everything feeling right again. But sometimes it doesn’t. If that’s the case, it might be time to call the osteopath.
What can my osteopath do?
Your osteopath understands your musculoskeletal system and will employ manual manipulation techniques to mobilise your “stuck” joint. This will usually involve stabilising one segment of the joint while applying force to the other, usually in the direction of the tightness. The pressure may be forceful and seemingly sudden, or gentle and oscillating, but the result is the same — a return to a fuller range of motion for the joint, a reduction in pain and improved balance and functionality of the joint and surrounding muscles. What sort of mobilisation treatment is appropriate will be determined by your symptoms, their causes, and the anatomy of the joint itself. Mobilisations can treat pain and stiffness in any of the body’s joints, but they’re particularly sought after for shoulder pain, chronic back pain, heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), ankle pain and knee osteoarthritis.
What does treatment feel like?
Joint mobilisation should not hurt. Many patients experience almost immediate relief from pain, although they might be sore in the area worked on for a day or two afterwards.
Following your treatment, your osteopath will prescribe exercises to maintain and build upon your mobility gains. It’s important that you follow this program of exercises as the movement patterns that caused problems in the first place are likely to reoccur.
Joint mobilisations are a non-invasive option for dealing with the pain and debilitating effects of reduced range of motion in your joints.
Visit our bookings page to make an appointment: https://www.myosteo.com.au/booking